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    • 10 Commandments of Education

      The 10 Commandments of Education  For Institutions, Educators and Students Supported by the motto Education is the highest form of Service Jordanians can give to their country”, the JOC has created the following “Educational Commandments” for Institutions, Educators and Students. Educational Institutions “World Class Institutions For Tomorrow’s Economic Competition” The JOC will enhance and develop the Jordanian education system, using global standards:
      • Expanding Jordan’s university system by expanding or constructing facilities and accepting more students into critical majors such as medicine and law;
      • Ending “exclusive clubs” where entry into a program is assigned directly by the King’s office;
      • Ending the Jordanian Tawjeehi while making admission to universities based on each university’s standards and own admission requirement(s);
      • Inaugurating the American University in Amman, which will have international faculty members who are Western educated;
      • Establishing education agreements with other countries that fosters the exchange of academic knowledge and students;
      • Provide Educational Professionals with regular salary increases and continuing education;
      • Attract Education Professionals from other nations to teach in our school system;
      • Create trade programs that will provide Jordanians with quality work skills.
        Educators “The Bedrock Of The Nation’s Educational System” 1) Delivery of quality Personal Protective Equipment for protection from the Coved 19 virus; 2) Unionization of all Educators into collective bargaining units; 3) Release of Educators from jail who have been imprisoned for peaceful protesting; 4) The expungement of the criminal records for all Educators who were arrested for protesting; 5) Enhanced credentials and payment waivers for all educators who were arrested protesting; 6) All educators will be declared Essential Workers, similar to Drs. and Nurses; 7) Educator tax breaks for those who spend their own money on classroom supplies; 8) Establish and/or enhance an Educator’s pension fund; 9) Help with obtaining Educational, Home and Consumer loans at reduced interest rates; 10) Enhanced credit ratings.   Students Education-For-Jobs Grants, Loans & Tax Incentives In an effort to create a viable working class and jobs that put quality food on the table, we will adopt plans that provide small business loans to those who qualify using the following conceptual criteria:
      • Anyone graduating from High School will receive a loan of $1,500 aimed at financing any form of occupational skills, foreign languages, life skills, or a trip abroad for education purposes.
      • Anyone enrolled in a 2-year college will receive a loan of up to $3,500.
      • Anyone enrolled in a 4-year college graduate will receive a loan of up to $20,000
      • Anyone enrolled in graduate degree in the level of master’s will receive a loan of up to $15,000
      • Anyone enrolled with a Doctorate will receive a loan of up to $35,000.
      • Anyone enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate program at ether an American Ivy League university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Stanford University will receive full grant to cover their expenses from the Jordanian government.
      • Anyone enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate program either Oxford or Cambridge universities of the UK will receive a full grant to cover their expenses from the Jordanian government.
      • Anyone enrolled in any of NASA’s educational programs will receive a full grant covering their expenses in by the Jordanian government.
      • Anyone enrolled in any graduate program in a preset designed American or British non-Ivy League, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, university will receive a grant to cover their expenses. The list of these universities will be based on the best universities in the US and UK that still do not top the list like Ivy League schools but still offer excellent education in certain fields.
        No person who is eligible for, or participates in, this program will pay personal income taxes for 4 years after graduation.  Additionally, we will establish tax incentives, for educating, training and hiring those designated by the United Nations as refugees.
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    • 3 years, 1 month ago


    • Al-Aqsa Mosque

      Al-Aqsa Mosque The Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of Islam’s holiest sites. The “New Jordan” will support the following:
      • USE: As a holy site, we will work with all governmental authorities to keep the facility open to the public;
      • FREEDOM OF WORSHIP: Freedom of worship must be observed for all religions, each in their sites of choice, without any form of disruption, interruption or harassment;
      • OVERSITE COMMITTEE: A committee of local Muslims and Jews living in Jerusalem will be established to oversee the Mosque’s and the Western Wall operations, including budget, repair and use;
      • PUBLIC INCITEMENT: Will not be allowed. Those engaging in incitement, hatred or violence of any form against any religion, will be jailed and permanently banned from visiting the holy site;
      • MAINTENANCE: A budget will be established and money raised to implement proper maintenance and repairs;
      • TRANSPARENCY: All board actions, including the budget, shall be made available to the public.
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    • Beehive Theme

      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi.
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    • 4 years, 6 months ago


    • Constitutional Democracy and Rights

      Constitutional Democracy & Rights The JOC envisions Jordan’s future being one where everyone is equal under Constitutional Law, regardless of race, background, religion, sect, or life style.  This will be assured by the introduction of a:
      • CONSTITUTION: The “New Jordan” will only be complete with a new Constitution, a Constitution that firmly declares that all people on Jordanian soil are equal under the law. It will be supported by a variety of provisions, including a “Bill of Rights”, modeled after concepts supported by the United States Constitution. The Constitution will:
        • OUTLAW DISCRIMINATION: The proposed acts will penalize discrimination based on race, religion, creed, sex or life style, and will apply to both verbal and nonverbal actions;
        • HATE CRIMES: The “New Jordan” will enact laws that outlaw hate crimes. It will carry criminal penalties that are adjudicated in an impartial court of law. Hate crimes against anyone based on race, religion, background, sex or life style will not be tolerated;
        • RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Please see below;
        • FREE SPEECH: The JOC supports the Free Speech concepts that are found in the West, and will be an important part of the “New Jordanian” Constitution;
        • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: This concept will become part of the Constitution, and is designed to spur public education and employment, as well as the attraction of industry and companies to the country. The JOC hopes that in the “New Jordan”, this program will be representative of the country’s ethnic and religious makeup;
        • PROPERTY: Property of any type will no longer be confiscated by the government without hearings, recourse or financial reimbursement;
        • TRIAL: Those arrested will have the right to a speedy trial and government-funded legal representation if they cannot afford one;
        • ARREST NOTIFICATION: Those arrested and their families will be notified as to why they were arrested, where they are and how they can be contacted;
        • HEARINGS: Those arrested will be granted a hearing, and notification of all charges within 72 hours;
        • CONTACT: All prisoners have the right to communicate with their families, including making phone calls and receiving/sending mail;
        • REPRESENTATION: Those charged with any crimes shall be represented by an attorney and adjudicated in a court of law. If someone cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for them at no charge;
        • SUPREME COURT: A fair and impartial Supreme Court will be established;
        • CENSUS: A once a decade a census will be taken and made public;
        • POLITICAL PARTIES: In the “New Jordan”, political parties will be allowed to form, based on established and published criteria. Nonetheless, political parties that are affiliated with radical groups (or ideology), will be banned based on the introduction and passage of Counterterrorism Acts.
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    • Constitutional Implementation

      Constitutional Implementation – The Government’s Foundation Establishing the operational foundations for a “New Jordan” is vital to ensure both the safety of its citizens, success, and the country’s future. It is estimated that the government will run the country for an interim period of 2 years. The Constitutional elections will be held after 18 months, with general elections being held in the 24th month.  A new government will be sworn in and sit in the 25th month. During that time, a variety of electoral laws and concepts will be adopted that will help establish parliamentary and presidential elections and procedures. Transparency will be included every step of the way.   The presidential elections will be held after the parliament has been elected. The President will be elected by public vote, while a Prime Minister will be elected by the members of the Parliament. In the “New Jordan”, the following concepts will be supported:
      • THE VOTE: All Jordanians of legal age, male and female over the age of 18, will have the right to vote;
      • POLITICAL PARTIES: The “New Jordan” will develop rules for the creation of political parties;
      • OFFICE ELIGIBILITY: Anyone meeting the voting criteria will be eligible to run for president or a seat in the National Assembly regardless of ethnic or sectarian background;
      • CRIMINAL RECORDS: Those convicted of a felonious crime or have had any relation to terrorism, not including a traffic infraction or other misdemeanors, are ineligible to vote or run for public office;
      • GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE: The Jordanian government will consist of
        • Three INDEPENDENT branches: The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary;
        • Two HOUSES: The Parliament will consist of two houses of government, one called a Senate, and the other called the People’s House;
        • Senate: The Senate will retain 3 members from each state or district. They will be voted on directly from each state, as define below;
        • PEOPLE’s HOUSE: The People’s House will operate as a Parliament and be open to qualified political Parties. There will be 273 seats in the Parliamentary body, and will be designed to ensure and secure direct representation for all Jordanians regardless of where they are, what sect they are from or what their ethnicity is. The distribution of seats to each party will be based on the population’s concentration, geographic distribution and vote;
        • LEADERSHIP: Both houses select leadership and operational rules using Robert’s Rules of Order;
        • ORGANIZATION: In the lower house, the party with the largest number of votes will be given the right to create a ruling majority;
        • VETO: Like other Parliaments around the world, they will have the ability to override or revoke Presidential decisions with a two-thirds vote;
        • STATES RIGHTS: States will be empowered with inherent rights that cannot be abridged by the National Government;
        • STATES: All districts will be classified as states and will be responsible for establishing their own Constitutions and governing bodies in accordance to the Constitution. The National Constitution shall override all state Constitutions;
        • TERRORISM: In all instances, those convicted of the crimes of either terrorism or incitement shall not be eligible to run for office. Additionally, members of the Muslim Brotherhood shall not be eligible to run for office;
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    • Economics and Job Creation

      Economics & Job Creation The JOC constructed its economic platform on the following seven basic economic concepts:
      • Jordan’s unemployment rate is astronomically high and this has to end;
      • Jobs must be created for graduates or the education system has failed;
      • High unemployment creates stagnation and fosters religious radicalism, especially amongst the young;
      • Currently, there is little competition for the “good jobs” because the nation’s best jobs go to those who are loyal to the king, and not whom are the best qualified;
      • Before the Pandemic, International financial agencies understood that Jordan was on the verge of bankruptcy due to mismanagement and graft. As such, they placed very specific financial loan requirements on Jordan. Additionally, the World Bank authored a hidden money report and found that secret Jordanian bank accounts had over $3 billion in them. This report, combined with the Pandemic’s onslaught, has created a dangerous situation in the country because the King has been forced to spend any and all of the country’s known reserves, virtually bankrupting the nation in the process;
      • Economically, Jordan knows that she cannot solve all of her problems alone. The country will clearly need help from the international business community if we are to create jobs that will provide Jordanians with economic security and enhanced lifestyles. Working with the corporate world, the “New Jordan” will provide tax breaks and incentives, as well as grants and stimulus packages to help create jobs, open offices and construct manufacturing facilities in the country;
      • Investment strategies, laws and programs will be reviewed, and updated to meet Western standards, allowing Westerners to share in the success of Jordan’s future. The focus will be to upgrade the investment markets so that Americans and other Westerners can (and will) invest in Jordanian businesses and economic projects.
        This complex set of concepts requires the nation’s best minds to come together to create the “New Jordan”, and do so with international help. To foster this, the JOC will take a multi-pronged approach to solving Jordan’s economic problems. After enhancing public education, the JOC will introduce measures to solve a variety of international problems, including restoring the highest of standards for our financial policies and institutions before the world. These much needed reforms will help put the “New Jordan” on the right economic road, especially when laws and policies are enacted that prevent the theft of money by the King and his cronies. Because of the graft and institutional economic problems, international lenders have called for the institution of a variety of changes, most of which have not been adhered to.   Because of these problems, Jordan’s cash reserves and lines of credit have dried up. This has caused shortages in products and services that Jordanians are clamoring for, including, food to feed their families and modern tools to build a new nation. The JOC believes that it will take half a decade to lay a foundation that turns the country around and creates the type of thriving economy that creates jobs and equal opportunities for everyone. The goal is to leave no Jordanian behind, and as mentioned above, it starts with providing a quality education for each and every person living in Jordan. The JOC will achieve this as follows:
      • Specific laws: Five types of laws will be created to support economic development. They are: 1) Transparency that opens up the “books”; 2) Anti-trust laws that create product and service competition; 3) The reformation of international investment programs, including the Jordanian Stock Market; 4) Tax benefits and incentives designed to attract both manufacturing plants and hiring of trained employees and 5) The establishment of anti-graft and terrorism concepts that will make Jordan a safe investment and tourist location ;
      • Jordanian Budget: Jordan’s government currently raises enough money to tackle a variety of problems without having to go begging before the world. Published reports and Parliamentary actions indicate that in 2019, the Jordanian Budget was about $13 Billion, even though an estimated $24 Billion was collected. The JOC believes that the missing money has been wasted, funding the lavish lifestyle of the Royal Family. Here, we will do a financial review of the country, provide transparency and eliminate graft;
      • ADDITIONAL BUDGET REVENUE: Without the Royal Family abusing financial resources (and cronies skimming off the top), more money will become available in the general fund, and that money will be reinvested in the economy. The major focus will be the creation of jobs and manufacturing facilities. We will also be able to help pay off international debt. Thanks to the implementation of a variety of transparency concepts, finances will be collected and properly accounted for. As a result, there will be an influx of money that will be used to pay off debt while establishing solid budgetary concepts and policies that will allow for continued economic and social growth. After a complete economic review, the JOC estimates that Jordan’s budget will double within 3 years, and sustain double digit growth for a decade after that;
      • Corruption: The JOC will work hard to earn the people’s trust by eliminating wide-spread corruption supported by the King’s regime. It is estimated that a minimum of 33% of all funds collected by the government are “stolen” by the King and his henchmen. To eliminate corruption, we will be discussing, introducing and enacting strict anti-corruption laws that will be overseen by a Counter-Corruption Commission. The Commission will be empowered to investigate, search, arrest, confiscate and prosecute those suspected of economic corruption and insurrection. The savings will be used to help pay off our international debt;
      • Tariffs: The United States of America, under President Trump, has shown the world the benefit of using tariffs and how they can be used to level the economic playing field. Used as an example, the JOC will adopt and implement policies that eliminate the current extreme tariff system that charges a variety of fees, including one of up to 200% for a family car. These tariffs push the cost of life’s basics beyond the reach of the average Jordanian, harm the poor, and are only in place to enrich the king and his cronies. We will start by eliminating any and all tariffs on products produced by the United States and United Kingdom and then review all trade agreements, one by one;
      • SERVICING DEBT: Jordan’s external debt will be analyzed, prioritized and renegotiated with debtors based on a variety of internationally accepted concepts;
      • Lower Income Tax while stabalizing Sales Tax: The “New Jordan”, under the direction of the JOC, will enact provisions that will expand and enhance Jordan’s economy. One of the JOC’s first actions will be to lower income taxes. The “New Jordan” recognizes that in order to create and expand the Jordanian Consumer Economy, Consumers need to have more money to spend. Taking this approach will turn a regressive tax into something that benefits the people. Again, the JOC believes Jordan will make up lost income tax revenue shortages by ending Royal corruption and the establishment of a stable, fair and equitable sales tax program. Combined these two programs alone will help create jobs, products and attract businesses;
      • BUSINESS TAX INCENTIVES: Using international models, the “New Jordan” will implement a variety of tax benefits and incentives programs that are designed to attract both manufacturing plants and hiring of trained employees;
      • Accountability/TRANSPARENCY: The “New Jordan” will enforce accountability and responsibility for public servants and state officials by establishing transparency throughout the government, including a transparent salary system and a government oversight committee. This will be done using concepts adopted by western nations, including the US Federal Government;
      • Trade & Economic Cooperation – the world: A modern state must have direct interaction(s) with their neighbors and the world’s residents. The “New Jordan” will be no different. One of the main ways to ensure economic success will be the expansion of economic cooperation (trade) with the West, including the United States, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This will be done using several mechanisms, including eliminating tariffs that help expand trade and development agreements;
      • ECONOMIC ZONES: The establishment of free trade agreements will foster the development of economic development zones. “New Jordan” will support these zones by creating policies that will not only help foreign goods enter Jordan’s market with zero tariffs, but create jobs while allowing Jordanian products to leave the country for foreign markets with minimal tariffs. This will benefit the world while creating jobs and income. This added income and choice of products will enhance consumer purchasing power and stimulate tax revenues;
      • STOCK MARKET AND OUTSIDE INVESTMENT(S): In order to stimulate foreign investment and the collection of hard currency for development use by the Jordanian Government and Corporations, the “New Jordan” will review, revise and adopt new standards for the Amman Stock Exchange and the Jordan Capital Market. Additional changes will come to the bond, commodity and investment markets. The overall goal will be to establish standards and protocols that support outside, international investments by individuals and businesses. To do so, we will work with America’s Security and Exchange Commission to adopt policies that enhance protections that will make it palatable for westerners to invest in Jordan;
      • Trade and Economic Cooperation – Our Neighbors: Expanding and reinforcing economic cooperation with our neighbors, including Israel on the manufacturing and delivery of imports and exports, will stimulate the economy and create jobs. Additionally, as partners, we hope to use Israel’s knowledge and expertise on water, energy, telecommunications and agriculture to enhance Jordan’s future in the economic market place. The best way to do this is by signing a free trade agreement between Israel and Jordan that benefits both parties and reinforces peaceful ties between both sides for generations to come;
      • Marshall PLAN: After the Pandemic, many countries will face a variety of economic problems, and as such, the world will need a regionally based plan that countries can tap into to provide economic services for their people. Using Jordan as a launching pad, we are proposing a “Marshal Plan for the Middle East” that spreads the costs between nations while calling for regional development in a variety of areas. The projects outlined in these documents are designed to benefit all parties and will be released as a separate document (please ask for a copy);
      • PIPELINE: In an effort to create jobs and enhance the country’s revenue, the JOC supports the refurbishment and use of an already underused pipeline that was established in Israel over 35 years ago and the development of a new pipeline between Israel and Jordan;
      • NATURAL GAS: With vast discoveries of natural gas reserves in the in some areas of the Arab Gulf, as well as in Mediterranean off of both Israel and Lebanon, the natural gas line extending from Arabia to Haifa seaport in Israel, the “New Jordan” is poised to become a “facilitator” of this new-found wealth;
      • BRIDGES & INFRASTRUCTURE: Currently existing bridges will be retrofitted or enhanced, while new bridges and public works projects will be planned, budgeted for and constructed. A focus will be on educational institutions and those connecting with our neighbors, including Israel. The JOC believes that this is vital for the “New Jordan” to do because it will facilitate businesses, the trading of goods, expand tourism, and support immigration from the Israeli side to Jordan. Combined, these actions will support the movement of goods and services throughout the region. This includes expanding the Alanby and Sheikh Hussein bridges, and building new bridges connecting Jordan and Israel in specially selected locations;
      • ROAD/HIGHWAY: In an effort to create jobs and enhance the country’s revenue, the JOC supports the development of a highway from Israel to Saudi Arabia. This will not only create jobs and move goods and services, but help open up tourism and cooperation between countries;
      • WORKERS COMPENSATION, UNEMPLOYMENT & DISABILITY: The “New Jordan” will introduce and support legislation that is designed to provide Jordanians with a secure future. The initiatives include, but are not limited to providing workers compensation, unemployment and disability benefits;
      • RETIREMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAMS: The “New Jordan” will enact both private and public investment programs that will/can be used for the establishment of pensions for the elderly and those who may have not contributed to system earlier;
      • ECONOMIC DISCRIMINATION: The “New Jordan” will adopt policies that ban and eliminate economic discrimination between all races, religions, creeds, lifestyles and sexes, with a direct focus on Jordan’s largest ethnic group: those of Palestinian heritage and under privileged groups like the Bedouins;
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    • Education

      Educational Equality The creation of a new, modern and competitive Jordan starts with the basics. For the JOC and our fellow Jordanians living in the “New Jordan”, there is nothing more important and basic to foster the growth of a nation than an education. In this part of the platform, the JOC wants to make the following concept crystal clear: The JOC’s goal is to help the “New Jordan” develop an education system that meets global standards, is open to everyone in the country and does so by training Jordanians to compete in the ever-expanding international marketplace. This will be accomplished by:
      • EDUCATIONAL THEME OR MOTTO: “New Jordan’s” educational motto will be: “Education is the highest form of Service Jordanians can give to their country”;
      • Eliminate the quota system: The current system is stacked against the average Jordanian. Currently, those who support the King get first options on education, and as such, take up all available educational slots. In the “New Jordan”, education will be open for all – male or female, young or old, regardless of religion or economic status;
      • Expand Schools and Universities: To meet the needs of an expanded learning base, a “New Jordan” will work hard to construct modern facilities at all educational levels, with establishing world class Universities being our #1 goal;
      • Exclusive Clubs: The JOC will push the “New Jordan” to end the “exclusive clubs” where entry into a program is assigned directly by the King’s office, and is only provided to privileged people who are favored by the regime. We want to make this clear – after the Pandemic, the “New Jordan” must provide an education to everyone who wants it;
      • Ending Tawjeehi (The examination system): Ending the Jordanian unified high school examination or “Tawjeehi” system. If the “New Jordan” is to compete effectively in the world marketplace, Jordan’s economic system needs to be revamped because the current exam system is intimidating, torturous and not cost effective. As a result, thousands of people are denied an education and this harms the country;
      • Professional Careers: Upon accepting more students, the JOC expects students to fill vacancies in the following critical areas: Education (Teachers), Engineering, Financial Literacy, Law, Medicine and Science. As a result, the “New Jordan” government will push for the creation of programs that foster the development of professionals in those areas;
      • Standards for each University: Universities will have the ability to establish their own standards and admission requirement(s). This will allow schools to abandon standardized testing and thus conduct their own exams;
      • Faculty: With new schools and programming, will come the attraction of international faculty members – of all ages, races, religions, and sexes;
      • THE American University OF AMMAN: With an expanded faculty, the American University in Amman will serve as a regional hub for undergraduate and graduate studies and research in the region. The University’s mission statement will serve as a beacon of hope, peace and prosperity for those living not just in the “New Jordan”, but the greater Middle East as a whole;
      • Regional Agreements and purpose: The new education system will establish educational agreements and protocols with all neighbors, including Israel, that touch “New Jordan’s” borders. As Jordan implements these plans, other educational agreements will be reached with other countries in an effort to expand and exchange academic knowledge, dialogue, and tolerance while training our citizens to compete in the world of tomorrow. The purpose of establishing Jordan as regional hub and a link between competing education system is to not only open Jordan to new thoughts and ways to address issues, but to prepare our graduates to compete both with and against their western counterparts;
      • EDUCATIONAL LOANS AND TAX INCENTIVES: At all levels, student loan and tax incentive programs will be enacted. The programs will benefit all of those who want to attend school, and for those who graduate. Graduation rewards will be related to the amount of school attended and the degree(s) earned;
      • SAMPLE PROGRAMS: In an effort to create a viable working middle class and jobs that put food on the table, the “New Jordan” will create and adopt plans that provide small business loans to those who graduate using the following conceptual criteria:
        • Anyone graduating from High School will receive a loan of $1,500;
        • Anyone graduating from 2-year college graduate will receive a loan of $3,500;
        • Anyone graduating from 4-year college graduate will receive a loan of $10,000;
        • Anyone graduating with a MA degree will receive a loan of $20,000;
        • Anyone graduating with a Doctorate will receive a loan of $35,000;
      • COMPUTERS: All graduates will receive computers and internet access upon applying for and entering the next level of schooling. As one graduates, the ‘technological support will increase’;
      • INCOME TAX EXCEMPTIONS: No person who is eligible for, or participates in, this program will pay personal income taxes for 2 years after graduation from either high school or trade school, and 4 years after graduation from college. The exemption will include a 6-year period for those who graduate from secondary school. Additionally, the “New Jordan” will establish tax Incentives, for educating, training and hiring those designated by the United Nations as refugees;
      • EDUCATORS: The “New Jordan” will support “Living Wages” for all Educators;
      • Trade Schools: to jumpstart the economy, Jordan will accept bids from international schools that will specifically train Jordanians. The focus will be on schools that provide the following services:
        • Plumbing and other related trades
        • Transportation (bus drivers)
        • Financial Literacy
        • Heavy Equipment
        • Construction
        • Technology
        • Medical support
        • Mechanics
        • Educators
        • Others as needed or suggested
        • Office Professionals
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    • Educational Equality

      Educational Equality For All Education is the highest form of Service Jordanians can give to their country As mentioned above, the JOC Education Platform declares that everyone in the nation is equal under the law, and as such, are entitled to an education, regardless of race, background, religion, sex, sect, or life style. This concept will support enhanced lifestyles and diversity, and will be implemented at every grade level regardless of age, sex or religion.  Equality in the school system will be enacted by writing:
      • Constitutional provisions declaring that all Jordanians are equal under the law;
      • Counter-discrimination laws criminalizing discrimination of all types;
      • Affirmative action laws and program that support Constitutional actions;
      • Hate crimes statutes that maximize penalties for crimes motivated by or associated hate towards race, background, religion, sex, sect or life style;
      • The creation, support and implementation of “Educational Commandments”.
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    • General Discussions

      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi.
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    • 4 years, 6 months ago


    • International Relations

      International Relations PALESTINIAN REFUGEES: The JOC is committed to securing Jordan’s identity and national pride, especially by upholding the value of citizenship as the core of the state’s identity.  To do this, the “New Jordan” will observe the current Jordanian citizenship law, recognized as article number two. This article dictates that all non-Jewish Palestinians who have lived in Jordan—and thus their descendants - are born Jordanians.  The new Jordanian government will never deny citizenship rights, naturalization and/or absorption of all eligible Jordanian citizens, regardless of their place of birth or current place or length of residency. SYRIAN REFUGEES: The JOC is committed to the welfare and safety of Syrian refugees already in Jordan, and the “New Jordan” will continue to support this philosophy. The JOC recognizes that Jordan has been receiving extensive international help to cover the expenses of those refugees.  Additionally, the JOC acknowledges that the number of Syrian refugees in Jordan has shrunk and that the king has been inflating the figures in order to blackmail the world for more international aid money, little of which filters to either Jordanians or Syrian refugees.  Therefore, the “New Jordan” will seek to create an efficient and corruption-free delivery system for international aid directed at Syrian refugees.
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    • Israel

      Israel The JOC views peace with Israel as a strategic choice that is fundamental to the growth and development of Jordan’s stability, economy and social prosperity. As such, it is in the interest of the each and every Jordanian citizen, as well as the region, to settle any and all disputes with our neighbors in the region as soon as possible. To do this, the “New Jordan” plans to:
      • PEACE & ECONOMIC PLANS: Support the Peace and Economic Plans as outlined by President Trump in 2019 and welcoming the expansion of the Abraham Accord, signed in 2020, to include all Arab states;
      • FACILITATE: Facilitate all of the plan’s requirements from Jordan’s side;
      • HONOR: Recognize and honor all treaties and agreements with international bodies and our neighbors;
      • PEACE AGREEMENTS: Fortify and expand the peace agreement between Jordan and Israel, focusing in on fulfilling parts of the agreement that King Abdullah, has refused to expand, implement or honor. Those areas include, but are not limited to economic, educational and cultural cooperation(s);
      • HATE AND TERROR: Eliminate all hate and terror incitement that is currently tolerated, empowered and even promoted by the current regime. This will be done by introducing strong civil rights policies, along with specifically designed counter-terrorism laws that criminalize the incitement of violence and hate against different races, ethnicities and religions;
      • PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY MARTYRS FUND: As mentioned above, the JOC opposes this fund and the terrorist groups that created it and its practice. As a result, the “New Jordan” will call on all peace loving countries to condemn the practice and to withhold any and all monies that can be used by the PA to continue the program;
      • RECOGNIZE: Recognize Israel as an economic and political partner, not a competitor;
      • ECONOMIC COOPERATION: Expand economic cooperation with Israel. Using successful models from around the world, including designating, constructing, expanding and operating qualified Industrial Economic Zones in development agreements with individual trading partners. In these expanded economic zones, Jordanian manufacturers will be able to import and export products into the world commerce, using lower customs fees, tax incentives and enhanced transportation processes. These zones currently exist on a rather limited scale and have been aiding Jordan’s economy for over a decade now. In the “New Jordan” they will become a staple that needs to be expanded and reinforced;
      • MATERIAL: The “New Jordan’s” Parliament will enact legislation that will support the importation of raw materials from our neighbors for use in the construction and manufacturing process;
      • MADE IN JORDAN: The “New Jordan” will create policies that support the pride Jordanians will feel when purchasing food or products that are either grown or products in Jordan and proudly bear the Made In Jordan Label;
      • MILITARY ALLIANCES: The JOC highly values Israel’s role in stabilizing the region and therefore has an ambition to sign a mutual defense agreement that is open to Jordan, the US, the UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia. We hope that this peaceful regional alliance, structured using the NATO umbrella, will help expand personal rights while protecting regional stability and keeping terrorist and fundamentalist forces at bay;
      • INTELLIGENCE: Expand Jordan-Israel-US-UK intelligence cooperation and counter-terrorism effort(s), and share vital and pertinent information with our allies;
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    • Military

      Military In the “New Jordan,” military policy will be created based on the following:
      • EXPENSES: In the “New Jordan”, the military will be reorganized to reduce waste, making it more economically-efficient. Currently, the Jordanian army consumes 52% of the country’s budget, and much of that is with duplication, waste and corruption. Overall, it has never contributed substantially to any regional war in the last 70 years, nor is it able to effectively defend Jordan today without help from allies;
      • STRENGTH: “New Jordan’s” military must be strong in three areas if they are to protect the people’s inherent Constitutional Rights: Economics, Education and the Military;
      • PROTECTION: The JOC appreciates the contributions that foreign taxpayers have made to Jordan, but want to stress that because of financial restrictions, we understand that they will not be able to foot the bill for Jordan’s defense indefinitely, and that at some point in time we have to be responsible for ourselves. As a result, in order to protect the rights of Jordan’s citizens, in “New Jordan”, the Jordanian army will not operate under the assumption that outside military forces will prop up the government. Additionally, foreign servicemen, including mercenaries, will not be asked to give up their lives for the protection of our country;
      • REGIONAL PROTECTION: The “New Jordan” will work (and contribute equally) with her neighbors, supporting the creation of a regional approach to protection, similar in nature to NATO;
      • FUNDING: Yearly, based on need, the Parliament will establish a percentage of the national budget for use by the military. This will include research and development of technological products, especially those geared towards being used by the military. The projected/suggested percentage is 33%. All discussions and decisions will be open to the public based on the concepts embodied in the transparency definition outlined above;
      • RESTRUCTURING: A “New Jordan” will be based on the belief that it is in nation’s best interests to restructure, refocus and reduce the military, especially as more and more modern capabilities and technologies are adopted. This will save just about 20% of current expenditures. This will ensure that the Military fits in with the actions of the “New Jordan” and thus helps build the nation internally;
      • FOREIGN BASES: Foreign bases will be allowed within the country, by invitation, in an effort to help train and educate Jordan’s military;
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    • Mission Statement

      The Jordanian Opposition Coalition’s Mission Statement

      There’s no doubt about it, but the Corona Virus has forced (required) the world to change, and change fast. This change has taken a variety of forms – from the way we clean our kitchens and wash our hands to how our governments run, how elections are held and how we view the growth of patriotic states that are fighting to end the growth of globalism and hate. With those actions in mind, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently confirmed this by saying: “The world is changing under the pressure of an unprecedented pandemic and economic crises”. As we all know, this change was not just necessary, but inevitable, and during these trying times, no nation is exempt from this change. The changes faced by the world are critical for developing countries and regions in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East. This paper focuses on changes in one specific country – Jordan, and is important because it not only sends a message, but helps lay the foundation for a smooth transition of change without facing unprecedented chaos.  With those combined messages front and center, we as “the leaders of nations” must use today’s tools to prepare not just our individual selves for the “day after” the change comes, but also our countries, their governments and most importantly, our citizens.  And that is exactly what the Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) is doing by publishing this paper. Specifically, this document is an in-depth plan for Jordan, and is based on the “day after King Abdulla abdicates”. In order to differentiate the past from the current and present, we call this future, the “New Jordan”, and we define it as a “Jordan that fulfills the promises of economic freedom and diversity that supports 21st Century freedoms for everyone in the country”. Because this is a living document, the “New Jordan” dream starts with the collection of hopes and ideas that will secure a smooth transition and positive change that eliminates the corruption Jordan currently faces while enhancing the lives of her citizens. Once our “New Jordan” takes hold, we will work to secure our rightful place in the world, and as such, will turn our hard work into the patriotism and dreams of the future. With economic prosperity and equality in mind, our dreams and patriotism will be used to promote peace and economic prosperity throughout the Middle East. The JOC platform consists of the following fundamental elements:
      • The promotion of positive changes, not just for the people, but for the way our government operates;
      • A Constitution that recognizes and secures the rights of each and every citizen while securing Jordan’s economic future. That means the establishment of law and order, protecting civil rights and enhancing prosperity. These concepts will work hand in hand with the establishment of zero tolerance policies that outlaw Royal graft, radicalism and anyone “living above the law”;
      • An internal economic plan that constructs a new foundation on the values of peace and prosperity, while rebuilding social foundations and lifestyles from the ground up;
      • The adoption and enactment of external economic programs and policies that foster cooperation with her neighbors, as well as attracts foreign investment into Jordan.
      • The support for pre-existing international agreements and treaties;
      • A philosophy that supports the concept that the best investment, is one in peace, and that the “New Jordan” will be a leader in the regional movement, not a roadblock.
      The concepts included in this document come from supporters of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC). The JOC consists of a diverse set of Jordanian leaders, and includes activists and community figures who firmly believe that the globalist-controlled, corrupt and morally and economically bankrupt Hashemite King, will not survive. We also believe that the Jordan of tomorrow, the “New Jordan,” will need to implement new and creative policies that on one-hand embraces our culture, while on the other hand, adopts western ways of doing business. To accomplish this, the JOC plans on defining, promoting and implementing democratically accepted concepts and institutions that end the Royalty (and its graft), ensures the growth of secularism, expands human rights and lifestyles, fosters coexistence and promotes economic prosperity, all while sustaining peace for the good of the people of Jordan and the region. In an effort to bring these concepts to fruition, the JOC will roll up its sleeves and revamp Jordan’s Parliament thanks to the introduction, discussion and vote on a new Constitution. This will help the “New Jordan” embrace the new, while establishing and implementing laws that will outlaw cronyism, political incest and religious terrorism while working “by and for” our constituents - the people of Jordan.    In order to capture the true spirit of this platform and the change Jordanians deserve, the JOC used a variety of methods. On one hand, current regional events came into play, while on the other hand, we asked the above referenced people to provide us with feedback. As we circulated our document, political, social and economic experts provided us with their feelings and thoughts. One of the most essential concepts agreed upon by everyone is transparency. The JOC pledges to educate and involve the hearts and minds of our constituents.  For the purposes of this document and the “New Jordan’, we define transparency as follows: holding public officials accountable for their actions, while allowing public participation in those actions that fight corruption while sharing the actions of government and its leaders with the public. When a government's meetings are open to the press and the public, budgets may be openly reviewed and discussed by anyone. This document contains positions on a variety of issues as they fall into 6 specific categories. Categorized by overall subject matter, they are not printed in order of importance. They are: 
      • Economics & Job Creation
      • Educational Equality
      • Constitutional Democracy & Rights
      • Peace, Prosperity and International Relations
      • Military
      • Terrorism
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    • Platform


      The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) has created a political platform, and it consists of the following 'subjects'.

      1. Economics and Job Creation

      2. Educational Equality

      3. Constitutional Democracy and Rights

      4. Peace, Prosperity and International Relations

      5. Military

      6. Terrorism

      Each of these master categories has sub categories, and we want to hear from you about them.

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    • Programming

      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi.
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    • 4 years, 6 months ago


    • Religious Freedom

      Religious Freedom The “New Jordan” will recognize the importance of religion to the wellbeing of individuals, and as such, will support religious freedom and association that is constitutionally secured for all people, and will be guaranteed by law. This will be done by:
      • CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS: Creating a Constitution and related provisions that ensure the right to practice the religion as each citizen chooses;
      • CIVIL STATE: Creating a civil state, one that represents all the people, no matter which religion, sex or political party they are;
      ACCEPTANCE: Reinforcing and highlighting the values of acceptance, tolerance and love within the state’s religious education at public schools.
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    • Tariffs

        Problem: Jordan suffers from a variety of economic problems. The largest is unemployment, with the next being that it has one of the highest tariff rates of modern economies in the world. Tariff rates stretch from the low 30% to as high as 350% depending on the product and country of origin. To view our specific proposals, please click here
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    • Terrorism

      Terrorism Terrorism, violence and social disharmony are some of the most important issues facing the Middle East as a region, Jordan as a country, her neighbors and every Jordanian citizen in the Middle East. As such, the “New Jordan” will work hard to establish fundamental social principles and legislative concepts that will protect and enhance civil rights and create jobs while diffusing fundamentalism, terrorism and hate.   In an effort to stem terrorism and enhance fundamental rights, the JOC believes that the establishment of a strong secular state goes hand in hand with dynamic policies that create strong economic policies and incentives that create jobs, expands the economy and provides the citizenry with enhanced consumer purchasing power.   To do so, a “New Jordan” will approach the problem as follows:
      • DEFINE: With friendly Western governments and international experts, legally define the term “Terrorism”, enact it into law and then apply it to the everyday life of each and every Jordanian citizen;
      • IDENTIFY: With experts, identify those who fall under both the definition and law, and then prosecute them as terrorists;
      • COOPERATION: The “New Jordan” will work hand in hand with the international community to stamp out and eradicate terrorist practices, thus dissuading the use of Jordan as a base for terroristic activities. That includes sharing information, technology and military partnerships;
      • OUTLAW: In the “New Jordan’, laws will be passed by the Parliament. They will lead the discussion that will establish the definitions used to define, disarm and outlaw clearly defined terrorist acts;
      • PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY MARTYRS FUND: A “New Jordan” will not support the Martyrs Fund and the terrorist practice that it is used for;
      • Fundamentalist Ideology: The JOC believes that one way to bring peace to the region is to work on establishing policies that fight the establishment of fundamentalist ideologies. The JOC believes that the best way to do this is by enhancing civil, personal and religious rights, while ensuring that policies are created that will ensure that the “New Jordan” enters the 22nd century as a secular state;
      • HOUSES OF WORSHIP: Houses of worship will be designated areas of peace. As such, terrorist acts, including the storage or use of weapons will not be allowed to take place in any form;
      • The Muslim Brotherhood (TMB): The JOC recognizes that the Muslim Brotherhood:
        • TMB: Is an internationally recognized terrorist organization;
        • TRAINING: Has trained many of today’s terrorist leaders, including those of ISIS, Hamas and Al-Qaida;
        • ALARMED: The JOC is alarmed by the apparent growth, partnership and cooperation between recognized terrorist entities, not to mention the solid and public partnership that currently exists between the Hashemite regime and TMB;
        • POLICIES: A “New Jordan” will establish a firm definition of terrorism and how to combat TMB activities;
        • OUTLAW TMB: The “New Jordan” will specifically outlaw TMB. This will send a strong signal to the rest of the world just how serious Jordan is about joining the civilized world, as well as a direct message to terrorists, that Jordan will fight terrorism and the spread of fundamentalist Islamist ideology in the region. Any group that is found to be a terrorist organization by a court of law under these provisions will have their activities curtailed (outlawed) and their assets confiscated. Additionally, anyone found guilty of terrorism will be arrested, tried and if found guilty, jailed;
      • The Palestinian Authority (PA): The JOC is committed to the welfare and progression of the Palestinian people. The JOC also recognizes that the PA is severely divided between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas who controls Gaza with an iron fist. Further, the JOC believes that the “New Jordan” must accept its international responsibilities towards all citizens, including Palestinians. The JOC strongly believes the PA must expand its thinking and in turn, improve the way it handles its internal and external affairs. They also need to provide enhanced transparency to its constituency in an effort to avoid corruption at all costs. The PA must also do the following:
        • HAMAS: Reign in Hamas and curtail their activities, as well as bring them to the negotiating table or eliminate them;
        • ELECTIONS: Provide for regular elections;
        • RIGHTS: The PA must provide its citizens with civil and economic rights. These rights include, but are not limited to free speech, freedom of travel, freedom of religion and the right to vote in bi-yearly elections;
        • THE HAMAS CHARTER: A “New Jordan” will not deal with an organization whose fundamental doctrine incites hate. As such, the JOC sincerely hopes that the PA will support peace rather than hinder it with fundamentalist doctrine and hateful incitement. To do so, Hamas must amend its Charter;
        • ABSENSE: In the absence of their ability to participate in a peaceful manner, the JOC sees no future for the PA or HAMAS;
      • Hezbollah: In the North, political instability comes from a group called Hezbollah. The JOC is opposed to Hezbollah and what it stands for. As stated above, the “New Jordan” and JOC is committed to the welfare and progression of the Palestinian people in all corners of the world, and therefore strongly believes the actions of this group harm, rather than help the cause of peace. As such, the JOC will urge, through speech and action, that Hezbollah abandon its violent actions and work towards peace with all its neighbors, as well as establish economic cooperation and ties between Jordan, the PA and Lebanon. Additionally, until Hezbollah abandons its violent ways and actions against its neighbors, including but not limited to civilians in Syria, Israel and elsewhere, the “New Jordan” will label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization;
      • Hamas: The “New Jordan” and JOC will be committed to the welfare and progression of the Palestinian people. Therefore, we strongly believe that Hamas must give up all violent acts and reform its ideology, including its “Constitutional Charter”. If they can’t, then they should disband for the benefit of the Palestinian people. To do so, the JOC calls upon Hamas to not lay down its arms and use the money they spend on arms purchases for the people by building schools, hospitals and libraries, while establishing a viable economic system and jobs. Additionally, they must establish regular and fair elections and clearly enunciate what their constituencies’ civil rights are. They must also ban, outlaw and disband their “slay for pay” policies that enrich people at the expense of another’s death. Finally, we call upon them to sit down with Israel and discuss peace, today, and not tomorrow. Until Hamas undertakes all of the above actions, both the “New Jordan” and JOC will not recognize, nor deal with Hamas as a legitimate political entity. Because of their negative impact on the people of Jordan and Palestinians, the JOC currently has no option, but through law, to ban Hamas and its activities in Jordan. To do so, the “New Jordan” after legislative and court based actions, confiscate all assets and facilities;
      UAE PeACE ACTIONS: The JOC supports the establishment of peace between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Israel, and urges all nations to do the same.
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